I can see your Pussy…

I know, the title is pretty cheeky but it is hilarious!
I have to admit I borrowed it from a boy (friend) as I`m sure some of you will agree only a boy could come up with it! I thought it was hilarious when I heard it, such a great British sense of humour…


I couldn`t help posting this, it is too funny.

More funny stuff at http://www.nohope.org/ (where the picture is from).

A 25 years old girl

I find it funny how kids grow up, how teenagers act so stupidly as grown ups and how old people try their best to be just old.

I find it silly that society tells me i can`t be a kid anymore, I have to me normal, I have to be an adult.
I find it strange that all adults just want to escape, just want to act silly and run away from their complicated “normal” life.
I find it cute that my grandmother is making sex jokes and she is not ashamed, she just tells us some joke exactly at the right time, always full of purpose, but still she is 73, how could she talk about sex?

I find it stupid we are censuring ourselves to what we are supposed to say, because this is good or bad, right or wrong. And all of it because someone says so.

I find it brilliant that the Brits have that funny and complicated accent and all their proper behavior and language, like they are all aristocrats.

I find it amazing how cultural background can influence your thinking, however in the minute the emotions are there, you are ready for the armistice, giving up your own need for the sake of the other one.

I find it awesome how a YouTube video with a baby impressed by is mom`s singing took over the world in less than 11 ours.

I find it empowering when I take to people that made it, that accomplished their goals and are willing to share their story with you.

I find it so nice that cats are the sweetest thing on the internet and so absolutely cool that they are rocking it!

I find it so crazy that we can`t live  without Internet and Facebook nowadays, and all the technology and ALL we want for Christmas is an IPhone 5.

I find it a blessing when people are willing to help you with no expectations even if they just shake your hand and say I am sure you will have a great path in your life and this is what I am offering to you for no other reason than the pleasure of helping or relating to you.

I find it sad that creative and talented people struggle to have a “normal” life and pay bills while all the rest of us dream of being creative and pursuing our own dreams.
I find it hard to pay bills and making huge sacrifices that kill you inside because you choose to love and take care of your people but can`t do it otherwise.

I find it disappointing that we are selling our land for nothing and we are destroying our planet for gas and gold.
I find it painful that we have people with cancer that don`t get treatment because they are not worth enogh for the insurance companies.
I find it heartbreaking that most of us are lonely, tired and sad and Superman does not exit to save the day!
I find it horrible that there are people fighting because of religion, when actually no one cares in what you believe as long as you respect me.
I find it unbelievable we are still judging people by their sexual orientation or by their color, when in fact we are all people no matter what.

313129_10150352435539846_424065755_nI find that having a job that consumes your time and energy that you don`t have but you keep pushing for it, in order to have some objects that you don`t need but like, so you can communicate and be social without even talking to people; is the silliest thing of all that we are doing conscientiously through all our life.

I just find it so heavy that I have to fight everyday for what I want, for what I need, for what I love and for my planet and I have to struggle to ind moments when I am free to enjoy life without feeling guilty about it.

I now found that I am a 25 years OLD young girl.

How do you find yourself at this stage in your life? 🙂